Balsa Wood Bridge Building
Bridges are essential to nation’s infrastructure. How would you span a freeway, a deep canyon gorge, a river or an ocean waterway? Dakota High School's competition is designed to create a greater awareness of careers in transportation, material sciences, construction and engineering as this competition is about more than building a bridge. It’s about education, communication, careers and services to the public. We believe students will best experience tomorrow’s career opportunities by working with industry relevant skill sets to apply technical applications to today’s problems.
At last year’s 3rd Annual Balsa Wood Bridge Competition, held June 5th 2013, at Dakota High School students tested their bridge designs and fabrication skills to the extreme. A total of 148 students competed for the ultimate Bridge Building Trophy. The previous record for held weight was 300 lbs by Dakota’s, Kevin DeBoer in 2008. Congratulations to the 2013 winners Sophomore Michael Werthman for achieving an astounding new school record 430 lbs. Rachel Zaprawa set a new Freshman record of 340 lbs which is an amazing accomplishment in itself.
We know this annual contest takes extra time and commitment from our busy teachers and students and we want to thank each of you for your help in making the event a continuing success. We are grateful to our sponsors, contributors, and the many volunteers who make this contest happen.
School Records
At last year’s 3rd Annual Balsa Wood Bridge Competition, held June 5th 2013, at Dakota High School students tested their bridge designs and fabrication skills to the extreme. A total of 148 students competed for the ultimate Bridge Building Trophy. The previous record for held weight was 300 lbs by Dakota’s, Kevin DeBoer in 2008. Congratulations to the 2013 winners Sophomore Michael Werthman for achieving an astounding new school record 430 lbs. Rachel Zaprawa set a new Freshman record of 340 lbs which is an amazing accomplishment in itself.
We know this annual contest takes extra time and commitment from our busy teachers and students and we want to thank each of you for your help in making the event a continuing success. We are grateful to our sponsors, contributors, and the many volunteers who make this contest happen.
School Records
- 2013 Sophomore Michael Werthman 430 lbs
- 2013 Freshman Rachel Zaprawa 340 lbs
- 2009 Sophomore Kevin DeBoer 300 lbs